Member of SCNAT

The SSM promotes the exchange and dialogue between science and practical application of meteorology. It is open to people who are interested in the weather in their studies, research, profession or leisure time.more

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Symposium & General Assembly SGM 2024


University of Bern, Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern

The general assembly of the Swiss Society for Meteorology (SSM) and its annual symposium will be held on Friday, 29 November, 12:15 - 18:00 in the Kuppelsaal at University of Bern.

SGM Jahresversammlung 2018
Image: Céline Portenier, SGM

A detailed program will follow soon!

Stay tuned for updates and mark your calendar for an afternoon filled with insightful presentations and discussions.


  • Meteorology
Languages: English, German