Akademie trifft Praxis (A2P)
At A2P events, master and doctoral students have the possibility to visit a potential future employer and to learn more about alternatives to an academic career.
Next A2P
The next A2P will take place in autumn 2025.
Past A2P
01.11.2024 - Visit at Meteotest
Our last A2P led us to Meteotest in Bern. More information is available here.
24.11.2023 - Visit at SRF Meteo
In 2023, A2P led us to the world of weather forecasting at SRF Meteo. More information on this event can be found here.

07.10.2022 - Visit at MeteoSwiss and SWISS
In 2022, A2P led us to MeteoSwiss and SWISS in Zurich on Friday, 7 October 2022. More information is available here.

13.01.2022 - A2P online event with Thomas Kleiber
Thomas Kleiber, former meteorologist at SRF Meteo, showed us the range of careers in the environmental field and gave us an insight into his personal wealth of experience. He told us about his rich professional life from chemical laboratory assistant to weatherman at Swiss Television and forest fire forecaster in Canada. He also gave valuable tips on topics such as job interviews, important skills and knowledge in atmospheric sciences - and he shared his love for weather in general. Many thanks, Thomas! This A2P event was attended online by up to 35 mostly young interested people. Due to the current situaltion regarding the Corona virus, this A2P event was held online.

03.10.2019 - Visit at Axpo in Baden
26.10.2018 - Visit at Infras
11.05.2017 - Visit at the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)
15.04.2016 - Visit at Meteogroup
19.06.2015 - Swiss Re, Zürich
29.10.2014 - MeteoNews, Zürich
27.06.2014 - Alpiq, Olten
25.09.2013 - inNet Umweltmonitoring AG, Altdorf