Membre de la SCNAT

La SSM encourage l'échange et le dialogue entre la science et l'application pratique de la météorologie. Elle est ouverte aux personnes qui s'intéressent à la météo dans le cadre de leurs études, de leurs recherches, de leur profession ou simplement de leurs loisirs.en plus

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Symposium and General Assembly SGM 2018



Lieu de l'événement

Kuppelsaal (5.OG), Hauptgebäude der Universität Bern
Hochschulstrasse 4
3012 Bern

The Symposium & General Assembly 2018 of the Swiss Society of Meteorology will be held on Friday, 23 November, at the University of Bern.

Gewitter in Bern
Image : Martin Mägli / SRF

The symposium is targeted at all people interested in weather and climate. In particular, the SGM invites Master and PhD students of climate and atmospheric sciences, collaborators of private and national weather services, private companies with relation to meteorology and people generally interested in meteorology. The symposium is free of charge and lunch is provided.


  • Michaël Fehlmann (University of Geneva)
    Estimating the snowfall limit in alpine and pre-alpine valleys
  • Urs Neu (Proclim)
    Do-it-yourself weather forecasting - utilize the "big picture" of the 500 hPa pressure chart
  • Michael Lehning (SLF & EPFL)
    Why we don't know how it is snowing at the poles and high mountains - and how we can learn about it
  • Thomas Frölicher (University of Bern)
    Marine heatwaves under global warming

Table Talks of Master projects

As in recent years, there will be table talks where Master students from different Swiss Universities will present their work. The talks will last about 10 min and the participants are invited to join this informal setting to learn more about the different projects, ask questions and provide some hints to the students.

Poster Presentation

Posters on different aspects of meteorology are welcome. We plan to show the posters in combination with the photo competition. This will result in a diversified exhibition where science will be connected with pictures of weather phenomena.

Swiss Meteo Photo Contest

Last year’s photo contest was a success and thus we decided to redo it this year. The pictures will be shown during the symposium and will be rated by the participants. The best picture will be awarded. Information about participation can be found in the flyer on the right side (Downloads/Links).


  • Météorologie
Langues : Anglais