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Symposium & General Assembly SGM 2024
Last Friday, on 29 Novermber 2024, the Swiss Society for Meteorology (SSM) held its annual Symposium and General Assembly in the Kuppelsaal at the University of Bern. The event brought together researchers, students, professionals, and weather enthusiasts to attend scientific talks, discuss ongoing master theses, and network with one another.
Immagine: Céline Portenier, SGM
A2P at Meteotest
On 1 November 2024, the traditional A2P event took us to Meteotest.
Immagine: Livio Bächtold, SGM
"BREATHE": Where does the air we breathe come from?
The Polyterrasse in Zurich is currently the stage for artist Khalil Berro's installation "BREATHE".
Immagine: Sven Kotlarski, SGM
SGM Members Visit the Jungfraujoch Research Station: A Day of Science and Scenic Beauty
On 23 August 2024, 20 members of the Swiss Society for Meteorology (SGM) had the privilege of visiting the High Altitude Research Station on Jungfraujoch.
Immagine: Céline Portenier, SGM
StuMeTa 2024
The SSM is sponsoring StuMeTa for students
Immagine: Livio Bächtold, SGM